Architects Aren’t Made in Classrooms: The Real Way to Learn the Craft

Architects Aren’t Made in Classrooms: The Real Way to Learn the Craft
MIT Building 35 Lecture Hall By Imai Keller Moore Architects

After a heavy lunch break with a team, Dorian, one (among others) young and competent developer, enthusiastically asked me: “How does someone become an Architect, and what’s the path to follow and what to learn to be one?”

I wasn’t asked this question for the first time, and to be honest, I was never able to answer it properly.

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Am I a Senior or an Obsolete Architect?

Am I a Senior or an Obsolete Architect?

As I am in my late 40ies, I’ll be closing my 25th year as an IT engineer this year and my 20th year as an architect.

As I was reflecting about the journey, I wondered: Am I really a Senior or just a Vintage, a Relic?

We often tend to think that a person with considerable years of experience is usually a respected Senior (as a rank and age), but Experience in some careers is viewed as universally positive, but that’s not necessarily the case in tech.

In other careers, the craft matures. It becomes less technical and more artistic, and people gain more knowledge while effortlessly getting things done.

Lawyers and doctors are respected when they cross into their 50’s. They are held in high esteem. Tech workers don’t collectively share the same belief.

In our case, the rapid change in technologies and tools, plus the weird label that stuck to us as technology handlers, are making us prone to being obsolete in a few years, if not months.

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How did I evaluate my success as an architect?

How did I evaluate my success as an architect?

During an after-work with some dear colleagues, one asked: “How can we define our success?”.

People started throwing answers like : by the customer’s happiness, by listing the greatest achievements, the metrics hit, by the completed tasks and goals, the career evolution or even by the gain accumulated.

Unsurprisingly, I was unsatisfied. These answers looked more like a standard pitch to succeed in an interview rather than deep thoughts.

In my opinion, one’s success can’t be measured only by corporate expectations; a career can’t be measured only by goals, achievements or accumulated wealth; a professional can’t be successful only by positive feedback or customer satisfaction.

And what about Architects, as the disgraced-and-always-blamed people in an organization ?
How can they measure their successes, especially since they only provide listening, more questions and rarely one option?

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Let’s talk about Complexity and Over-engineering in IT

Let's talk about Complexity and Over-engineering in IT
Charlie Chaplin in his 1936 ‘Modern Time’
Going back to old discussions with engineers, architects and CTOs, I noticed that practically all of them started their projects with passion and commitment but got trapped in the most crucial moments to be stuck with complexity, over-engineering and money-draining.
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Trading Specialization for Versatility: The Polyglot Architect’s Journey

In a world where specialization is often hailed as the pinnacle of success, I find myself cheerfully perched atop the hill of ambiguity, happily wearing the badge of a “polyglot” in the tech cosmos.

This term, I’ve grown quite attached to it over the years, It’s morphed from its linguistic origins to become, synonymous with an approach that values versatility over specificity.
Yes, I’m the Architect who dances between the raindrops of technology stacks, merging them into a harmonious symphony.

Today, I’m here to share some thoughts about the unique and somewhat underappreciated role of a polyglot architect.

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What I learned from … (other professions)

I’ve always been fascinated and reflecting about the peacefulness and the respect that emerges when watching some masters doing their professions. So, I spent lately some years time observing and trying to see the world through their lenses and may be, and if I’m good enough, adopt their skills and get inspired to improve myself personally and professionally.
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lessons learned as/to be a software architect

lessons learned as/to be a software architect
copyright to
The role of the software architect is yet a subject of various debate: it’s vaguely determined, hard to define and sometime misleads to nonsense responsibilities in some job descriptions. I won’t discuss here about what is the precise day-to-day job of an architect inside a team or a company, but I will try, through my experience, to describe some of the aspects and the qualities that any architect should have.
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questions to ask before you develop a website

I was asked often to help many of my customers making or launching their new website or portal, I won’t go here through the life cycle of such project but just focus on the real first step after getting contact : gathering information.
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