Hatem ZIDI
👋 Hey! I’m Hatem ZIDI, I break down tech, wrestle with impossible projects, and pretend knowing what I’m doing.
Brace yourself for rants, accidental wisdom, and random epiphanies on tech, life, and why “it depends” solves everything. Stay curious—or just stay confused. Either works!

What I learned from … (other professions)

I’ve always been fascinated and reflecting about the peacefulness and the respect that emerges when watching some masters doing their professions.
So, I spent lately some years time observing and trying to see the world through their lenses and may be, and if I’m good enough, adopt their skills and get inspired to improve myself personally and professionally.

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lessons learned as/to be a software architect

lessons learned as/to be a software architect
copyright to Images.com/Corbis

The role of the software architect is yet a subject of various debate: it’s vaguely determined, hard to define and sometime misleads to nonsense responsibilities in some job descriptions.

I won’t discuss here about what is the precise day-to-day job of an architect inside a team or a company, but I will try, through my experience, to describe some of the aspects and the qualities that any architect should have.

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my best mistakes

my best mistakes

Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better. – Samuel Beckett

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questions to ask before you develop a website

I was asked often to help many of my customers making or launching their new website or portal, I won’t go here through the life cycle of such project but just focus on the real first step after getting contact : gathering information.

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lessons learned from my freelance

lessons learned from my freelance

nine some years ago, I started wearing my freelance hat as a software developer … it started as simple tasks to become now a full professional activity to design or build full systems.

I was observing my friends and colleagues that were willing to start their own startups and be their own boss, except that the adventure was successful for only some of them and a nightmare for most of the others.

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to stay or not to stay

Je me suis longuement accroché à l’idée de rester en Tunisie, de travailler au pays et d’y vivre pour le meilleur et pour le pire… Peut-être un sens de patriotisme ou d’attachement me poussait quelque part à faire le maximum pour mon pays. Et nous connaissons tous le matraquage des tentations, mais… je résistais en me disant : “Il faut que je sois actif et que je sois l’une des briques qui (v)ont bâti(r) cette contrée.” (tiens, another brick in the wall, Pink Floyd) Mais le doute et l’épuisement ne cessaient de planer…

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8 ans … déjà

hé oui,
mon blog fête ses 8 ans aujourd’hui … je l’ai délaissé il y a 3 ans.
le sentiment de dégoût dû à plusieurs déceptions suivi de l’instabilité totale du pays ne m’ont pas aidé à l’entretenir …

je ne vais pas parler de politique ni de sport …
je vais continuer ou peut être essayer de parler de technologies, mes retours d’expériences, mes observations, mes lectures et de films.

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5 ans déjà

tiens, mon blog fête ses 5 ans déjà …
mais, il a vécu et survécu ce petit,
dire qu’il s’est passé pas mal de choses durant ces 5 dernières années …
j’avoue que je l’ai délaissé un peu mais j’essaie de reprendre asap.
longue vie à mon blog !

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